
For this edition of BE. CURIOUS we are going in!
The theme is SELF LOVE and we’re stripping it right back to its purest form—learning to love ourselves.
Our most important relationship is the one we have with ourselves, but it can also be the most challenging relationship for many of us. Hurt, fear, bad experiences, anxiety, social rejection and negative self-talk make it so, so hard to wholly love and accept ourselves.
But there’s only one person you have to spend a lifetime with—you.
The love we give ourselves is reflected right back at us. So you need to learn to be kind to yourself. It sounds so simple, but when we go to start the journey of self love and self-care we don’t even know where to begin.
So much of our culture is designed to tell us we’re inadequate. We don’t have the right hair, the flawless skin, the right dress size. But none of that matters! Learning to love yourself is about more than possessions. It’s about more than materialism and treating yourself to fancy cars and perfect nails. It's about taking the time to honour every part of your being. It’s about changing the toxic, poisonous thoughts that creep in.
This edition features photographic series titled LOVE - No Limits featuring some of the most unapologetic beautiful babes. Also featured are some beautiful images from No Filter Project and a host of inspirational, authentic young humans living out loud their love journey. Read about inspiring people with lots of wisdom to share from their own journey towards loving and accepting themselves.
I hope this mag gives you the strength to accept you, love you and most of all: BE. YOU!
Big love. G x
Founder - Grace Dlabik